In Rage Ride, you take control of your spacecraft and steer it across the vastness of space while avoiding collisions with meteors. This game has visuals in two dimensions that are both eye-catching and easy to play. You may begin the game by navigating your spacecraft by using the left or right arrow keys, or you can use the 'A' and 'D' keys to spin the spaceship to the left and right. To prevent collisions with the meteors that are abundant in space, it is important to observe attentively and respond quickly. In addition, as you are going, you should make an effort to gather as many clouds as you can. A point will be awarded to you for each cloud that you successfully capture. Nevertheless, it is of the utmost importance to put the survival of your ship ahead of anything else. Have fun playing!
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- Use A/D or left/ right arrow key to control your spaceship